Friday, July 2, 2021


We, the human beings are the ones who build new things with our inquisitive and inquiring mind. But during the discoveries sometimes mistakes might be committed by us. Indeed mistakes are the integral parts of one's life. They mould our future by making us understand what has to be done further. People regret by using the word SORRY. Indeed Sorry just seems to be a five letter word, but those five letters have deep meaning embedded in them. The word casts a spell to the listener. Someone might have hurt anyone unintentionally. They would tell I didn't want to hurt or upset you and would add upon I'm sorry for the incipient wound that my words have caused in your heart. 

That causes the amity between them. This kind of ephemeral wall of mutual distrust could be easily broken down by the word Sorry. The ultimate reconciliation by the detente of strained relationship is bound to happen. One day, a boy had broken the flower vase of his mother accidentally. The boy's mind was surrounded by clouds of grief. He was so immersed in sorrow that he couldn't react any further. He wrote a letter of apology to his mother. The mother's face glew with delight. She gave kind words of advice not to make this a recurring fallacy. Few years ago, I was travelling in a train. The weather was pleasant and it was covered with greenery as far as my eyes could see. Everything being in the state of order made me joyous. But it began raining suddenly and I couldn't see outside. I felt so SORRY to miss the admirable beauty of the world outside. Nowadays, the word Sorry is used in every domains of the world. That's why people say that we need to forget about the day before, but we need to live in today. 

Yesterday might have been filled with sorrowful moments and the changes people make after feeling guilty of their mistakes makes the current moments transform into memories, that reside in their heart for ages and ages. The melancholic mistakes are being replaced by thousands of dreamy fantasies, weaving their air-threads into woof. The poetic device symbolism can be used to portray the eternity and immortality of Sorry. I would like to throw light upon the fact that people need to forgive themselves first and when they reflect upon their wrongdoings, the world would look upto them by having forgiven them. There may be so many extra ordinary persons in this world, but there's no such person who didn't commit a mistake and feel sorry about it. In fact had they not regretted about their mistake, they couldn't have become as extraordinary as they are today. Indeed the oxymoronic words laboured acceptance can be self explanatory to the success of such extra ordinary men. The term laboured denotes trying to cope up with the mistake by feeling sorry and acceptance here means moving ahead. Sorry is said to be totipotent. That is, it has the capacity to act as a cementing layer by making up the broken bonds between people. I believe that things should be let go once they are discussed. Apology is bound to be accepted. The things should always be sought amicably. Thus Sorry can be defined to be an acronym of 'Some One really recognised his action towards you.' Sorry is the metaphor of the ocean of goodness. When we're unable to apologize, we need to look at ourselves in the mirror and not fall down in front of our own eyes. Then when we've accepted our own mistake, then the inner strength or resilience to be forgiven dawns upon us. After being forgiven, one could use the eight letter word THANK YOU. 

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