Wednesday, December 16, 2020



Earth is our home. We, the people have made many researches to make our Earth the best home for all the living organisms. But in an alarming rate, we have to confront many difficulties and hardships. Firstly, we are facing the difficulty of increase in blue colour of the earth. The green colour is slowly vanishing due to large scale deforestation. Likeways, now the mankind is coming pace with the difficulties of the lockdown.

 Difficulties are like great stones which can only be removed by persistence and hardwork. The indomitable will of the entire community is significant. Being locked at home is like a bird in a cage. A bird always desires freedom, but it is not so easy to acquire. People will feel bored without any work, if it persists recklessly. This situation is nothing less than our past. In our past, people do not step out from homes at nights, because they lacked certain kinds of technology. But they did not lose their hope, they continuously worked on it and because of them we are able to lead a good life. They had gifted us a new lease of life different from theirs. Similarly, we should also leave no stones unturned in finding the prevention for this virus.

 When we are at home, it doesn't mean that our mind has been blocked. This situation is a contrast to the other problems, because this one has a lock for people, which lacks a key. I, as a student, miss my school days, but as a responsible citizen, I remember about the contribution that I have to do for my nation. This is not the time to become disheartened, but this is a time to spend with utmost importance. This pandemic has provided us with a great opportunity to learn many fascinating things, by using our ideologies. There are many places in different countries of the world, which once stood as scenic beauty, but now places had lost their charm (glory) in front of us. They are not our prime necessity.

                       When one is going through life's valley and think there is no way out, one should change his perspective of thinking. There should always be a ray of hope. This is life- a game, which we need to play and win. So, this situation will pass away if we take few preventive measures and work in co- ordination. We can then soar high in the sky as a free bird. Now several preventive measures are being taken to make our life easier, i.e., to live a life by changing our mind after the pandemic. We have to mend our ways to make the world a safer place to live in. The efforts have to be made from each and every citizen, as one individual can also contribute to a significant change. We are now finding a key for the lock that has closed us inside our homes and had made us all live our life into an imaginative world, thereby, not allowing us to fulfil our dreams, but we are striving hard to live a life similar to our earlier days. This seems to be a big setback for the mankind, but we can change anything through acceptance. We had accepted what nature had given us since many days and that now we need to mould the situations as per our necessities. We should make sure that the grandeur of our dreams should not be suppressed due to any invisible factor, but we should always rise higher amidst any tough situations. One needs to make sure that he can deprive pleasure even from the pointless situations of life.

Converting people's vision into reality through words, Sidharrth's Island of Literature"

1 comment:

  1. Wow...what a vision towards Earth and inner motivating...ur thought process makes me speechless. Let ur Island grow as a planet..kudos sid..


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