Thursday, December 17, 2020


 “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to the change.” These are the words of Charles Darwin. Life is a combination of both the happiest and the toughest times. In the toughest times, we need to realize the existence of the opportunities for our betterment, we should look at the positive aspects of life. Tough times, such as this, are inevitable in life, but one should compose his mind. What we do today enhances our future. Happiness can be seen even in the darkest of times, if one remembers to turn on the light. So, now it is our duty to strengthen our mind to struggle against the pandemic and emerge victorious against it.

Changes can be made step by step. We need to adapt ourselves to the changes. The way that we had accepted the lockdown situation, similarly we need to accept the changes occurring post pandemic. As a student, I miss my friends and my teachers, so I too like other students had developed a desire to go to my school. So, instead of stopping ourselves from going to school, we need to take some precautions and start going to schools. Our parents for economical reasons are also going to the offices and it’s working well since now. These are extraordinary times and we need extraordinary measures. In India, home-learning on a large scale will be a challenge, essentially because of non-availability of equipment and network-connectivity issues and the fact that parents may not be in a position to facilitate home-learning. We won’t get the same happiness that we get while going to school. Some practical things that can be done are: Cleaning and sanitizing the classrooms and areas where children converge regularly; increasing the medical staff and counsellors in schools; planning a new school calendar where any event with large gatherings of students/parents is avoided. Students should be made to enjoy a sense of academic freedom, which they would have missed in the restricted confines of their homes.

The attempt to achieve difficult goals requires a certain dedication. In this sense, engagement in sport represents a perfectionist way of life. Since, we hadn’t played with our friends for many months and missed many activities and lost few days of productivity, we need to restrengthen our mind and we should create a situation that would enable us to feel that we had restored a sense of normalcy and gained back those old glorious days.

I would like to conclude my essay by saying that, “The Secret of change is to focus all of your energy is to building the new.” We need to recalibrate back into our activities. "Everything we do before a pandemic will seem alarmist. Everything we do after a pandemic will seem inadequate. This is the dilemma we face, but it should not stop us from doing what we can to prepare. We need to reach out to everyone with words that inform, but not inflame. We need to encourage everyone to prepare, but not panic."

 Thank you and have a nice day.

Converting people's vision into reality through words, Sidharrth's Island of Literature"

1 comment:

  1. Keep rocking. Optimistic way of approach. Nice write up.


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