Sunday, August 6, 2023

Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining

 "Every cloud has a silver lining" is one of the invisible metaphors in the direst situation. One might give an eerie description that the scintillating brightness of the glowing Sun is hidden behind the overpowering darkness of the black clouds. However, this situation is said to happen once in a blue moon. The dark clouds are similar to the miseries in our lives. Life has provided us with two choices- hope or despair.

Let us consider an example. Some people are not gifted enough in their appearances, yet they are talented and have adroitness in them. But they chose despair over hope and to our dismay, they hide their imperfections in evil masks, covering their real looks and fail to be excel in this world of rat race.

Our lives are characterised by miseries, troubles, pain, concerns, difficulties and hardships. It is we, who have unparalleled and mind boggling ideas how to remove ourselves from the shackles of these dark clouds and head towards the glimmering ray of hope. When a small child has been separated from his parents or a small bird is unable to take its first flight, he somehow manages to overcome his sense of chaos and goes ahead. Therefore, even in that situation he could sense the silver lining. That is life-embrace it!

Converting people's vision into reality through words, Sidharrth's Island of Literature"



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